Scripture: I do not spend time with liars or go along with hypocrites. I hate the gatherings of those who do evil, and I refuse to join in with the wicked.
Psalms 26:4-5 NLT
Life Application: Let us be sure to surround ourselves with those who are honest, sincere and receptive of correction. We CANNOT allow ourselves and those we love to get comfortable walking in error. OPEN REBUKE is FAR BETTER than secret love. Let us not hide our wrong doings, but instead CORRECT THEM and do better. If we do not correct the error of our own ways as well as our brethren, we run the risk of creating a low woth people who go on begin that their wrongs are right. It is imperative however, that when we take the liberty of correcting others, that our own spirits and hearts are in the right place and that our minds are focused on advancing the kingdom and not mans' agenda.
Prayer: Most gracious and Heavenly Father, I repent for ALL things I've done seen and unseen that has grieved YOU in YOUR Spirit. Please forgive me and forgive YOUR people. Let us walk blameless and teach others to do the same. Let us never be afraid to correct wrongdoing that could cause the kingdom to suffer major implications that could have been avoided. Let us not walk with or fall into unholy relationships as that does not bring YOU honor. I praise YOU and magnify YOUR name. May everything that has breath praise YOU! In the matchless name of Yeshua our soon coming King, amen!
#EarlyMorningBibleStudy #GoldenRule
#DoUntoOthers #MinistryBeyondTheFourWalls #MakeDisciples
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