Saturday, April 15, 2017

Do Not Cast Your Pearls To Swine

Scripture: Matthew 7:6-"Do not give that which is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, for they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces".

Life Application: ~*Be careful with sharing your God news with those who are NOT part of your support circle. Not everyone will be happy for you and not everyone will encourage you. When you share your precious life with those who are careless with it,  they will take you for granted and use what they must to destroy you. Listen to the word of THE LORD! Use wisdom and restraint when you want to share what's precious. There will be times when The Father desires for you to keep good things between you,  Him and those He designates to take part in where you are headed. You will know who is meant to be a part of the journey you're on. Pray and ask The Father for guidance. Seek Him while He can be found. Most importantly, be humble at each stage of the process you go through. You will be thankful that He cares. *~

Prayer: Most gracious and Heavenly Father, thank You oh mighty God. You are righteous in every way and all of your wonders are majestic. May Your name be magnified by all of creation! I love You Father and ask that You forgive me for the times I've cast my pearls to swine. Please help me to love others with Your love while exercising wisdom. You are worthy of ALL the glory, honor and praise! In the matchless name of Yeshua our soon coming King, amen! 

#EveningBibleStudy #BeCareful #MinistryBeyondTheFourWalls #MakeDisciples 

*GODZKREATION* @GodzkreationMinistries

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