Scripture: He was also telling them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that place. And whatever place will not receive you or listen to you, as you leave from there, shake the dust off the bottom of your feet as a witness against them.”-Mark 6:10-11 TLV
Life Application: ~*Never surround yourself with people or things that cost you your peace. Never let anyone or anything coerce you into sacrificing your peace. Instead, continuously bless those who receive you freely into their home and pray for The Father to shower blessings on them in abundance. Know who to receive in your sanctuary of peace. Use wisdom. You would be surprised at who is assigned to come and interrupt your peace. The enemy perry had an assassination set up to destroy the follower of Christ Yeshua. Our job is to continuously put on the FULL armor of Yahweh and allow The Father to protect us from destruction and keep our peace.*~
Prayer: Most gracious and Heavenly Father, You are The Maker of peace. I ask that You restore EVERY ounce of peace that the enemy stole from me and every ounce that I've given away. Please don't take Your Holy Spirit away from me as I need It to function properly in Your kingdom all the days of my life. I receive Your peace into my spirit and soul forever. Amen.
#EarlyMorningBibleStudy #Peace #MinistryBeyondTheFourWalls #MakeDisciples
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