Saturday, July 15, 2017

Walk By Faith

Scripture: for we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 WEB

Life Application: ~*To walk by faith is to believe the promises of The Father no matter our circumstances. To"BELIEVE"in His promises is to "Be" AND "Live" in His word! Let us remember to thank Him for what He's already done and be sure of what we know according to what He's said.*~

Prayer: Father, I repent for my lack of faith and chose to believe "be and live" Your word as I walk in Your promises. In the matchless name of Yeshua our soon coming King, amen.

#ShabbatShalom #EarlyMorningBibleStudy #Faith #WalkByFaith #MinistryBeyondTheFourWalls #MakeDisciples